Professionals Working in Kentucky Agriculture
Student Spotlight: William Taylor
UK senior’s salamander research leads to success outside the classroom. Undergraduate research helps University of Kentucky students like William Taylor comprehend classroom concepts and prepare for future goals.
Administration and Education
Connie Sizemore serves farmers in Leslie County by managing the Conservation District office, but her passion lies with teaching the youngest citizens about the environment.
Conservation Education Specialist
Susan Brown is a Conservation Education Specialist at Boone County Conservation District. Her passion for the environment has followed her all her life, and she’s always pursued jobs and activities that let her spend the most time outdoors and helping people understand and connect with the environment around them.
Ted Jessup, VP, KACD
“Get your hands dirty as early in life as you can. Help raise a garden, get involved in your FFA Chapter, get a summer job helping a local farmer or farmer's market, and get to know your local Conservation District.”
Executive Director
My advice for a career of any kind . . . find what you love and throw yourself into it with all your passion. I have always told students and interns that no matter what field they choose, there are always excellent jobs for smart and passionate people.
Volunteer & Website Coordinator
“Follow what makes your heart happy, and don't listen to the naysayers. The world relies on agriculture, and there are SO many careers in this field to explore!”