Professionals Working in Kentucky Agriculture
Administration and Education
Connie Sizemore serves farmers in Leslie County by managing the Conservation District office, but her passion lies with teaching the youngest citizens about the environment.
Conservation Education Specialist
Susan Brown is a Conservation Education Specialist at Boone County Conservation District. Her passion for the environment has followed her all her life, and she’s always pursued jobs and activities that let her spend the most time outdoors and helping people understand and connect with the environment around them.
Dairy Consultant
Brilee Tucker is a graduate of Western Kentucky University. She currently works for the Kentucky Dairy Development Council as a dairy consultant. “My main goal as a consultant is to be a resource for Kentucky’s dairy producers and work with our organization to provide educational opportunities that allow those producers to enhance and progress their operations."
Student Spotlight - Keegyn Fields
Congratulations to UK Natural Resources and Environmental Science major Keegyn Fields, who participated this summer in the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates program!
Horse Careers: Sales & Entrepreneurship
Learn the minimum requirements, salary, and descriptions for several jobs in horse management and sales.